Madrid has frontiers with Segovia, Avila,Toledo, Guadalajara.
Arroyomolinos is at the southernwest of Madrid.
Arroyomolinos have frontiers with , Moraleja del medio, Mostoles
The coordinates of Arroyomolinos are 40ºN 3º55"W.
Arroyomolinos have a mediterranean climate.
We have mediterranean climate because the summers are hot and dry and the winters are wet and cool.In arroyomolinos we have busses, and people often go in cars and the population is around 16.207 hab. (2010).
Arroyomolinos don´t have any famous mountain that surround it, the nearests mountains are the Sistema Central mountains, the rives more nearest to Arroyomolinos is the Guadarrama river.
Arroyomolinos have acontinental landscape.
Arroyomolinos was founded during the Muslim invasion, later to be reconquered by King Alfonso VI of Castile in his advance toward the decisive conquest of Toledo (1085). By then, the place was known as the Arroyo Chozas.
This are some photos that I take when we went to the park that is next to the high school:
At the visit we can see the Navacerrada mountains, Gredos mountains, some meadows and Navalcarnero.
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